Listen as a group of people talk about their favorite city.

and all the things that are stereotypically Mexican come from my city so I'm very proud to come from that city.
Michael / United States
Actually my favorite city is San Diego. It's at the far south corner of the US next to Mexico and there is a lot of Mexican culture in San Diego. The weather is great, you can do outdoor sports year round and it's a really nice place to raise a family.
Santi / Indonesia
My favorite city, I have to say Jakarta because well it's my hometown. And since I love shopping, it's the best place to shop. It's cheap, a lot of deparment stores...
Hanna / Australia
My favorite city is Melbourne because you can do whatever you want and be whoever you want and nobody will think bad of you. It's a very multicultural city and it's a city with a lot of culture so lots of art galleries, lots of sport. Anything you can do or anything you want to do, you can do it somewhere in Melbourne and find lots of other people who will also want to do it.
Christophe / Belgium
My favorite city is definitely Brussels. It's the capital of Belgium, my country, and Europe. Because Brussels, well to start with, we have two languages that we speak there: French and Dutch. And a lot of people also speak English so it means if you live in Brussels you can speak at least three languages. Isn't that great?
MJ / Korea
My favorite city is Pusan where I came from because I'm more familiar with it and as my family lives there so I love Pusan. And Pusan has really good food so I love Pusan.