Hi, my name is Shantel and today's question is are you optimistic about the future?
Yes, I'm very optimistic about the future because I think it's important to have a positive outlook in life. Although we may face many challenges, and obstacles, we can overcome them if we're positive and optimistic. A key for being optimistic about the future is setting goals. Ever since I was a child, I have always set goals for my future because I want to do many things and I want to improve myself. Another key for optimistic about the future is smiling because smiling attracts other people who are optimistic and positive too. I try to find reasons to smile every day, even though I might be sad or upset. But what about you? Are you optimistic about the future?
Yes, I'm very optimistic about the future because I think it's important to have a positive outlook in life. Although we may face many challenges, and obstacles, we can overcome them if we're positive and optimistic. A key for being optimistic about the future is setting goals. Ever since I was a child, I have always set goals for my future because I want to do many things and I want to improve myself. Another key for optimistic about the future is smiling because smiling attracts other people who are optimistic and positive too. I try to find reasons to smile every day, even though I might be sad or upset. But what about you? Are you optimistic about the future?
Subordinating Conjunctions | Reasons and Contrast
Subordinating conjunctions of reason and contrast show relationships between actions.
- We ate dinner early because we were hungry.
- Let's see a movie since we are at the cinema.
- She wore a coat even though it was hot.
- While he is smart, he is a very lazy student.
Because and since shows a reason.
- I have to leave because I work tomorrow.
- Because I work tomorrow, I have to leave.
- We went inside since it was raining.
- Since it was raining, I went inside.
Even though shows contrast between two actions.
- We stayed inside even though it was sunny.
- Even though it was sunny, we stayed inside.
- I passed the test even though I did not study.
- Even though I did not study, I passed the test.
Although contrasts ideas and means the same as even though, but it is not as flexible in usage.
- Although I am fat, I am very fit.
- Although I have a license, I never drive my car.
- Although I like fashion, I have few clothes.
- You can eat that although you will regret it.
While also contrasts ideas. It is only used to contrast ideas from the start of a sentence.
- While I hate vegetables, I still eat them.
- While I speak Japanese, I never use it.
- While I do like sports, I do not play them often.
- While you can say that, you can't mean it.
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Using subordinating conjunctions (because, even though, although) to show reasons.