A1 Beginner

Beginner Listening Lessons (A1)

Listen to natural conversations that cover grammar and language points for beginners.
Two teachers make introductions and discuss family.
Simple Present - Be Verbs
Aimie Todd
Two people discuss colors and things with these colors.
Simple Present - Be Verbs
Meg Todd
Aimee and Todd talk about their favorite things.
Simple Present - Be Verbs
Aimee Todd
Two people talks about thiings they like and dislike.
Talking about Likes
Natalie Todd
Two people discuss their weekend routines.
Simple Present - Basic Verbs
Shantel Todd
Two people discuss their daily routines.
Simple Present - Basic Verbs
Flag England Natalie Flag USA Todd
Two people talk about what they eat for dinner.
Verbs - Yes / No Questions
Flag England Hana Flag Chile Daniel
Hear about a woman's family in England.
3rd Person Singular
Flag England Katie Flag USA Todd
Two people discuss their their hometowns.
Flag USA Meg Flag USA Todd
Two people compare Thailand and Japan.
Flag England Natalie Flag USA Todd
Two people talk about what they do during the week.
Days of the week
Meg Todd
Two people try to guess some famous people.
Subject Pronouns
Shantel Todd
Two people discuss how often they meet their family.
Object Pronouns
Shantel Todd
Two people talk about some clothes and their watches.
This / That / These / Those
Natalie Todd
Meg and Todd talk about American holidays.
Months and Time Prepositions
Meg Todd
Two teachers talk about their class schedule.
Ordinal Numbers
Natalie Todd
Two people talk about when they do things and their routine.
Talking about Time
Natalie Todd
Hear a woman talk about her mother.
Akane Ruth
Two people discuss languages they speak or want to learn.
Languages and Nationalities
Abidemi Todd
Abidemi talks about things she can and cannot do.
Can - Abilities
Abidemi Todd
Two people talks about their morning routines.
Adverbs of Frequency
Sarah John
Hear a man talk about his hometown.
There is / There are
Sarah John
Meg and Todd talk about times in their lives.
Be - Past Tense - Was / Were
Meg Todd
Katie talks about what she did over the weekend.
Simple Past Tense
Katie Todd
Aimee and Todd talk about all the stuff they have in their homes.
Articles - a, an, the
Aimie Todd
Katie and Todd discuss what they need to make breakfast.
Any / Some / Enough
Katie Todd