Bad Jobs
Tim: So, Jeff, you asked me about what kind of job I'd like. Well, what about a job you definitely you wouldn't want to do. There's lots of jobs out there and some of them aren't so good, so what would you not want to do?
Jeff: That's a difficult question. I don't like working period, really.
Tim: Yeah, but who does?
Jeff: Yes, that's right, but I think a type of job I wouldn't like to do would be an office job, a straight desk job, where it is just task work, where you get paper - maybe sort of like an accountant - where you are doing nothing but sitting at your desk sort of by yourself all day, crunching numbers or putting things into the computer. I think it's very anti-social, a little bit boring, not so healthy, and even if the pay was good, I still wouldn't want to do it because you're compromising your life, which is short, to something that's not so fun so maybe a desk job, something at a desk, I wouldn't like to do. How about you? What job would you not like to do?
Tim: Well, to be honest with you I don't think I would make a very good police officer. I really wouldn't want to be a police officer. I know it's exciting and it's always different but I kind of feel like I would be judging people and I'm not anti-police. I think they're needed but sometimes I don't agree with everything that a government believes in and I think it would be difficult for me to be busting people for somethings that I don't agree with. And I think that, you know, it's a hard job. It's a hard job and you've got to deal with with people that you know need help in different ways, and a police officer is just coming and putting them in jail.
Jeff: Another thing, sort of related to police officer is I wouldn't want to be a nurse or a doctor.
Tim: Oh, I'm surprised.
Jeff: A great job and it would be rewarding to save people's lives or to make them better if they're sick, to make them healthy again, but I hate blood.
Tim: Oh, really.
Jeff: I can't stand blood so if there is... I can't even stand somebody with a bloody nose so I think in a situation where there is any blood around I wouldn't be your man.
Tim: Well, I think another job I wouldn't want to be is a garbage man, to be honest with you.
Jeff: Oh, a garbage man would be great.
Tim: I understand. Like, I like the idea of driving from house to house. I think I would be a great post office worker, and I don't mind the manual labor of just lifting stuff up and stuff.
Jeff: A bit smelly though.
Tim: Yeah. That's the biggest thing. I think the smell would really get to me, like kind of like you were with blood. I think that eventually that smell would sometimes make me sick, and you'd be surprised what people people throw away. I mean, needles, all kids of things, dirty diapers. Things like that. I don't think I could deal with that very well.
Jeff: OK, so you'll never be a garbage man and I'll never be a nurse.
Tim: Ah, fair enough I suppose.
crunching numbers

You are doing nothing but sitting at your desk sort of by yourself all day, crunching numbers.
'Crunching numbers' means that you spend time doing calculations.
Notice the following:
- I am an accountant, so I spend my time crunching numbers.
- She says that she is a number cruncher.

I think it's very anti-social, a little bit boring, not so healthy.
When something is 'anti-social,' it means that it does not allow you to see your friends or socialize like a normal, healthy person.
Notice the following:
- Working as a chef can be very anti-social.
- I find that working shifts can be very anti-social.
judging people

I kind of feel like I would be judging people and I'm not anti-police.
When you 'judge people,' it means that you make decisions about them based on what you know.
Notice the following:
- I do not really judge people, unless I know them really well.
- I do not like her, because she is always judging people.
busting people

It would be difficult for me to be busting people for some things that I don't agree with.
When you 'bust people' it means that you arrest them, catch them or give them a ticket.
Notice the following:
- The police have busted a lot of people for speeding recently.
- I would like to be a police woman and bust people for crimes.
I wouldn't be your man

I think in a situation where there is any blood around I wouldn't be your man.
'I wouldn't be your man' means that you think that you are not the right person for the job.
Notice the following:
- If you are looking for someone who is hardworking, then I wouldn't be your man.
- She said that I would not be her man if I could not show commitment.
Vocabulary Quiz
busted • your man