Future Family
Kara: So, coming from such a large family, again, what do you imagine for yourself as far as family size and your ideal lifestyle?
Lupe: I love having a big family. I think that is the biggest blessing in my life because there's always someone there for you. You can always talk to someone and ideally I would love it one day I had children and they had, you know, eleven or ten siblings to go to when they need help or when they just simply want to talk. That's really not gonna happen. You know, I don't think I'm gonna have many children. I would love to have enough children that I know I can actually be financially stable enough that my kids will have what they need, and they won't have to struggle when they're growing up because of money situations, but I would love to be a mom one day, and I would love to be a stay-at-home mom at that because growing up, I always had my mom there with us. She was a stay-at-home mom and it was great to wake up and have her there and come home and have her there and really to know she's there whenever we needed her, and now it's a little more difficult just because it's really expensive you know to live here and it's hard to have just one of the parents working, so ideally I would love to be a stay-at-home mom, and if it's financially possible, I would definitely do that, but if it's not then, you know, I wouldn't mind still working and, you know, still being a full-time mom even if you are working, but I think it all depends on how many kids I have and obviously the person that I have my children with and how we are as far as money and even emotionally. We want to have a good family so the size is really not gonna be the biggest issue.
someone there for you

I think that it is the biggest blessing in my life because there's always someone there for you.
When 'someone is there for you,' it means that they are there to help and support you through difficult times.
Notice the following:
- It is really important in life to have someone who is there for you.
- It makes me feel better when I have someone there for me, as it makes me feel supported.
stay-at-home mom

I would love to be a stay-at-home mom.
When you are a 'stay-at-home-mom,' it means that you are home with your children full time and that you do not do paid work outside of the home.
Notice the following:
- I did not enjoy being a stay-at-home mom, as I felt very lonely.
- She is quite happy being a stay-at-home mum, I think.
financially stable

I know I can actually be financially stable enough that my kids will have what they need.
When you are 'financially stable,' it means that you have enough money and you do not need to worry about it.
Notice the following:
- I am a lot happier now that I know that I am financially stable.
- We were a lot more financially stable when both me and my husband worked.
I wouldn't mind

I wouldn't mind still working
If you 'wouldn't mind' something, it means that you would not have any big objections to or problems with something.
Notice the following:
- I wouldn't mind going to the cinema if you want to.
- She said that she wouldn't mind if more people came to the party as she had made plenty of food.
how we are as far as

It would depend on how we are as far as money is concerned.
'How we are as far as' means how well we are doing in a specific area, in this case money.
Notice the following:
- Do you know how we are as far as the plans for the holiday are concerned?
- She said it depended on how we are as far as the cleaning is concerned.
Vocabulary Quiz
make it • complain
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