Rain Pain
Daniel and Valeria discuss having to deal with rain and what they dislike about it.
Daniel: Hey how are you?
Valeria: Fine and you?
Daniel: Fine thanks. I have a topic for you.
Valeria: OK.
Daniel: I think it's a really, what do you think of the weather? Do you like this kind of like really changing weather, thunderstorms.
Valeria: Actually not that much.
Daniel: No?
Valeria: No. I don't like the things like this every day raining.
Daniel: Yeah, it's kind of annoying.
Valeria: The combination of rain plus humidity plus hot, I don't like it.
Daniel: Yeah, for me it's really difficult to get used to it because for me rain means winter and cold weather and having, you know if it's raining I'm going to get my umbrella and my coat, my scarf and everything.
Valeria: And it will be cold of course.
Daniel: Yeah, of course. But sometimes it just rains and it's really hot. You're wearing flip-flops so I don't know it is, at least now it's not a matter if I like it or not, it's I'm not used to it and I don't really know what to wear when it's raining.
Valeria: That's right. It's like summer clothes and rain doesn't go at all.
Daniel: Yeah, it doesn't go together.
Valeria: No, no, no and another thing that bores me a little is, I mean in Argentina if it rains one day, it's one day and maybe it will rain again in one week but every day raining is kind of too much.
Daniel: Yeah.
Valeria: I need to wash my clothes.
Daniel: Exactly. I have the same problem. I have exactly the same problem.

Yeah, rain is kind of annoying.
Something 'annoying' causes you to be bothered or irritated. Notice the following:
- It's really annoying that my sister always borrows my clothes without asking.
- The most annoying thing that he does is arrive late for

The combination of rain plus humidity plus hot, I don't like it.
When two or more things are put together at the same time, they create a 'combination.' Notice the following:
- It's the combination of the cold and the darkness that
makes winter hard for some people.
- The combination of the sweet and the spicy is really

You're wearing flip-flops
'Flip-flops' are sandals that have a piece of plastic that goes between your big toe and your second toe. Notice the following:
- Where did you get those flip-flops? They are so cute.
- I spent about a year wearing nothing but flip-flops when
I lived near the beach.
and another thing

And another thing that bores me a little is constant rain.
When you want to add another item to a list, you can use the phrase 'and another thing.' Notice the following:
- And another thing that she said was that the classes I
am taking are really difficult.
- And another thing, will you stop wearing your shoes in
the house?

Exactly. I have the same problem.
Here, 'exactly' is used to show agreement or that you understand with what someone is saying. Notice the following:
- Exactly. He still does those things even though he knows
that it will make me angry.
- Exactly. I was just thinking that.
Vocabulary Quiz
exactly • another