Bangkok Transportation - Part 1
Jerri talks about the many different ways to travel
around Bangkok.
Todd: Okay, so, I'm here with Jerri, and we are in Bangkok, Thailand, and she's Thai. And I thought we would talk about the interesting transportation systems of Bangkok.
Jerri: Yes, very interesting.
Todd: Yeah, Bangkok has so many ways to get around. So, the most common, of course, is the BTS.
Jerri: Right.
Todd: This is the over rail train,
Jerri: Yes.
Todd: And then there's the MRT? Okay,
can you talk about them?
Jerri: Yeah, so, these two are the new
forms of transportation in Thailand. Well, not so new. I
think about ten years now we've been having them. But
they're probably the most common way to travel into the
city. The sky train station is now expanding quite fast,
so it's going to, like, other parts that are outside of
Bangkok for the outer cities - for people from the outer
city to travel into the main business district areas. Yeah, and the price range from 30, 35 baht to,
like, 100 baht depending on how many stops you have to
take. But it's becoming more and more popular, and so
the rush hour, it's quite - it gets quite
hectic. I think it can be regulated a little bit better.
But I think, yeah, they're working on that.
Todd: Yeah, I work in Tokyo and
Bangkok both, and when I - when I first came here, the
trains were empty. The BTS...
Jerri: Right.
Todd: ...and now they're like Tokyo.
Jerri: Yes.
Todd: They're on the same level of packed-ness. It's crazy.
Jerri: Right. Yes, yes.
Todd: Okay, so then how about the
world-famous Thai taxis and tuk-tuks?
Jerri: Okay, yes, for sure. So, I'll
start with the tuk-tuks. The tuk-tuks are probably the
most interesting way to get around town. You see them a
lot in Bangkok because they attract tourists.
So, you can get them - yeah, they usually - the thing to
be careful with is that there's not really a fixed
price, so you can get a little bit...
Todd: Scammed.
Jerri: Scammed, yeah.
Todd: Yeah.
Jerri: But, yeah. So, I would
recommend just asking the locals, like, how- how much
would it cost, like, from to get here to there, so you
know, like, a little bit about the price range.
But if you're - if you're here in Thailand for the first
time, it's definitely the way to travel around. You get
the wind in your face and, yeah, it's really nice. And
then the taxi meters are also - there's more and more
every day. And, yeah, it's - it's - it's, like, any
other country, I guess. It's air-conditioned, and then
the meter starts from 35 Thai baht.
Todd: It's true. It is like any other
country, but I would say they're very unique in their
colors. So...
Jerri: Oh, right. Yes, yes, yes.
Todd: ...they have the very beautiful
Technicolor that you only see in Thailand. Yeah.
Jerri: So, it goes from pink, green,
bright-yellow, and they're all very bright, so...
Todd: And orange, correct?
Jerri: Yes, yes, yes.
Todd: And they look so beautiful,
actually. Yeah. Actually, going back to the tuk-tuks,
one thing that's - I think - is interesting is that,
obviously, they're used for tourists, but also local
Thais I see use them kind of to transport a lot of bags
and stuff. So, like, if they need to move a bunch of
Jerri: Yes.
Todd: bags, or they need,
like, I don't know, supplies for a restaurant or
something like that...
Jerri: Right.
Todd:'ll see tuk-tuks moving
things around.
Jerri: Yeah, absolutely. And there's
like different - different tuk-tuk sizes. So, some of
them are - are more for like transportation, as you
mentioned, and then we have more of, like, the bigger -
similar to tuk-tuks, they're called songthaews, which
you see in, like, the small little streets in certain
neighborhoods that people need - just need to get to the
main road.
Todd: Can - now, can you describe what
a songthaew looks like?
Jerri: Yes, absolutely. It's like a
truck but with a big open area in the back for people to
hold onto the rails, so, yeah. I'm not sure if you can
imagine the picture but - in a tuk-tuk - you get to sit
- it fits about three people max...
Todd: Yeah.
Jerri: ..but songthaew - the back, the open-air area fits about 20 people.
business district

People travel into the main business district.
A business district is the financial and commercial section of a city. Notice the following:
- Wall Street is in the business district of New
York City.
- During lunch hour in the business district,
you will see many people wearing suits.
rush hour

So the rush hour gets hectic.
Rush hour is when there is a lot more traffic than usual. Notice the following:
- During holidays, rush hour traffic sometimes
doesn't move.
- Sometimes people work late to avoid rush hour.
same level

They're on the same level.
The same level is when two things are very similar to each other. Notice the following:
- The population of China is on the same level
as India.
- The college entrance exam was the same level
of difficulty as his job interview.
attract tourists

Because they attract tourists.
When a place attracts tourists, tourists like to go there. Notice the following:
- The beautiful beaches attract tourists and
become crowded.
- I think that new fusion restaurant will
attract tourists.
fixed price

It's not really a fixed price.
A fixed price is what everyone pays all the time. Notice the following:
- The bus charges a fixed price whether you ride
for one stop or 20 stops.
- The zoo charged a fixed price for children.
price range

Tell me about the price range.
A price range is the lowest price to the highest price. Notice the following:
- The price range of a taxi ride depends on the
distance you go.
- What is the price range at that restaurant?
Vocabulary Quiz
attract tourists • fixed price • price range
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Hello, and welcome to elllo. My name is Todd Beuckens. I've been an ESL teacher for 25 years. I created elllo to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.
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