Party at the Park

Darcy: Yeah, that sounds fun.
Todd: Okay, great.
Darcy: When is it?
Todd: It is at 10 o’clock. Do you think you can make it?
Darcy: Um, as long as I can get a ride.
Todd: Oh, I think I can pick you up. Where do you live?
Darcy: I live about 10 minutes down the street.
Todd: Oh, really? From here?
Darcy: Yes, from here.
Todd: Okay. So you’re in the east part of town.
Darcy: Yes, that’s right, and around the corner from the gas station.
Todd: Okay. Oh, nice. So if you can meet me at the gas station, I can just pick you up there.
Darcy: Sure, as long as you give me a call before. I’ll forget.
Todd: Okay, don’t worry. I’ll do that. So the party is starting at 10:00, so I’ll pick you up around 9:45? Is that okay?
Darcy: Yeah, that sounds great. Can I bring something?
Todd: Uh, yeah. You can bring whatever you want. You don’t have to bring anything, but if you want to bring your own dish or your own food, that’s fine, but there will be some food provided. It’s kind of your choice.
Darcy: I can bring brownies, unless someone has special dietary needs.
Todd: No, I’m sure everybody’s going to love to eat brownies. So please, definitely bring the brownies.
Darcy: Alright. What about curry? I love cooking curry.
Todd: If you want to make curry, you can make curry. That would be awesome.
Darcy: Okay. How about spicy Thai curry?
Todd: I think you can make spicy Thai curry. I think everybody would like that.
Darcy: Okay, sounds great.
Todd: Now do you play sports?
Darcy: Um. If no one is throwing a ball at my face, yes.
Todd: Okay. Well, we will play soccer if we have enough people, so we’re hoping to get enough people. So would you play?
Darcy: Sure, sounds great.
Todd: Okay, great. And if the weather is not nice though, then maybe we will postpone it and we’ll have it on next Saturday or maybe next month. But it looks like the weather is going to be nice. If the weather looks bad, I’ll give you a call.
Darcy: Okay. Can you call before 8 a.m.?
Todd: Yes, I will definitely let you know. Actually, if we think the weather is going to be bad, we will call you the night before so you don’t have to worry about it.
Darcy: Alright. That will be perfect.
Todd: Okay, great. Also, if you want to bring friends or you want to invite somebody else, you can also invite them as well. It’s a company party but it’s friends and family, so you can bring other people as well.
Darcy: Alright. Should they also bring things for the party?
Todd: If they want to, they can bring stuff, but they don’t have to.
Darcy: Okay, cool. I’ll call my friends.
Todd: Okay. But your friends have to go by themselves because my car is really small and I can only give you a ride.
Darcy: Oh. If you can only give me a ride, I don’t think I can invite my friends.
Todd: Oh, really? They don’t have a ride.
Darcy: No, we all live really far away.
Todd: Oh, no. Well, you know what, I tell you what, I’ll ask if I can get the company van and if I can get the company van, then I can give everybody a ride.
Darcy: Ooh. If you can give everyone a ride, I’ll invite all of my friends.
Todd: Okay. How many friends are we talking about?
Darcy: How many friends can fit in your vehicle?
Todd: Maybe six or seven.
Darcy: Okay, I think I can call some friends.
Todd: Well, if you can get your friends to come, then we will definitely have a soccer match.
Darcy: Alright. How many teams will we make?
Todd: I’m sure we’ll just have two but we’ll have a big game.
Darcy: Okay, as long as my team can win.
Todd: Well, I can’t promise that.
Darcy: It’s on.
Subordinating Conjunctions of Condition
- I will call you if I am late.
- If you feel sick, you can stay home.
- As long as you exercise, you will stay in shape.
- I cannot buy a house year unless I win the lottery!
- If it rains, we will not play tennis.
- We will not play tennis if it rains.
- If you help me, I can pay you.
- I can pay you if you help me.
- Unless you study, you cannot pass the test.
- If you do not study, you cannot pass the test.
- Do not call me unless you are serious.
- Do not call me if you are not serious.
- As long as we leave now, we can arrive in time.
- We can arrive in time as long as we leave now.
- We will play tennis as long as it does not rain.
- As long as it does not rain, we will play tennis.