English Listenign Lesson Lab Online
Talks #36 | Intermediate B1

Baking Bad

Katy talks about a special day when her baking did not go as she planned.

Answer the following questions about the interview.

The other day I had a baking disaster. My uncle and aunt were coming to visit me, so I decided to have a go at making some fresh chocolate cookies. I got all the ingredients in, two different types of chocolate chips, dark chocolate and white chocolate, eggs, flour, cocoa powder, butter. I mixed it all up according to the instructions, but then I put it in a very narrow bowl to whisk it, and I used an electric whisk. But as soon as I put the whisk in the bowl, all of the beautiful, dark chocolatey chocolate chip dough flung out of the bowl and all around the kitchen. I knew that my uncle was coming in about 40 minutes, and I almost cried, but I didn't. But it was a mess everywhere. I'm still finding chocolate bits on my cookery books and on the floor.

What is the correct word? Listen to the audio to hear the answer!

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