Hello. My name is Veronica, and I'm from the United States. My question today is what colors do you like and dislike to wear?
Obviously, one of the colors that I like to wear is blue. I think it's my favorite color to wear because I feel like it suits my skin tone very well. Since I have a lighter skin tone and darker hair, I feel like blue looks very good on me. Sometimes I wear a muted blue like I am today. Sometimes I wear a very bright, like a royal blue. Either one of those I think really looks nice on me, and so it is actually my favorite color to wear.
My least favorite color to wear is yellow. You won't find a lot of yellow in my wardrobe. And the only reason is I think yellow is a beautiful color. It is bright. It is captivating and it looks so good on so many people. I just don't feel like yellow looks good on me. So it is very rare that you will ever see me wearing the color yellow.
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Key Words and Phrases
muted | not bright
very rare | not common
captivating | interesting
it suits | to be right for
I feel like | I think
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