Hi, my name is Eullices, and I'm from Costa Rica. My question is, what types of TV shows do you like and dislike?
I like science documentaries and crime shows a lot even when they are police dramas because those are the kind of shows that are always showing you something interesting, and you can learn a lot from documentaries, especially if they are scientific. And I do not like dramas when they are just dramas. When they are police dramas or historical or political dramas, they tend to be very interesting. But when they are just about people and relationships, and they spend a lot of time in mellow dramatic scenes or crying a lot, that is not something that regularly holds my interest. So those are the kind of shows that I don't regularly see. But when they are interesting mixes, I give them a shot.
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give them a shot | to try something
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a lot | very much
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tend to | usually
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