Gareth / England
Hello, my name is Gareth and I'm from England and my question is are you worried about mad cow disease or other animal diseases?
Yes, I'm quite worried about it but not to the extent that I am a vegetarian. I still eat meat. I'm worried about mad cow disease because I'm from England so I can remember growing up in England when mad cow disease was a massive problem and I can remember watching on the news farmers burning hundreds of cows because they assumed they had mad cow disease. So it's always kind of at the back of my mind when I'm buying meat and it's something that you can't, if the meat is diseased it's not like you can cook it and remove the disease. The protein which causes mad cow disease is still there in the meat but there are regulations to prevent the sale of meat which is diseased and I think this is stricter on countries where they've had a history of mad cow disease, like England and America, and the chances of you getting mad cow disease is so slim, like I read that there have only been two hundred cases where people have eaten, humans can't really get mad cow disease but they can get a disease kind of related to that and there have only been two hundred cases. So the chances of me getting it, this is what I tell myself, the chances of me getting mad cow disease is quite slim so as long as the regulations are strict, I think it should be OK. Fingers crossed.
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