Mark / England
Sorie / Honduras 
Mark: Hello, my name is Mark.
Sorie: And my name is Sorie.
Mark: And today's question is if you could learn any language what language would it be?
Sorie: I would like to learn Portuguese, how about you?
Mark: I think I'd like to learn Spanish. Why would you, why would you like to learn Portuguese?
Sorie: It sounds very beautiful, it's got a very beautiful rhythm and it's oh the music, they have beautiful music as well.
Mark: Right, if you learn Portuguese which countries would you like to visit?
Sorie: Well, I can only visit Brazil and Portugal.
Mark: Oh, really.
Sorie: Yeah.
Mark: If I learn Spanish, I'd really like to visit all of South America. I'd like to make a journey all through all the countries in South America. I feel that Spanish is most useful language for that.
Sorie: Yes and it's easy to learn.
Mark: Is it?
Sorie: Yes, I think so. I definitely recommend you learning Spanish.
Mark: Okay, great.
Sorie: Yeah, okay.
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