Hi, my name is Alex. I'm from Vienna. And my question today is should kids get paid to do chores?
Which is a really interesting question and honestly, I'm not quite sure if they should. I think generally speaking, there are two schools of thought for this. One would be that yes, kids should get paid to do chores, mostly because that will prepare them for their future lives as professionals. That basically if you do a task or a service, you will get paid for it accordingly.
The other school of thought would be no, they shouldn't get paid to do chores. Because basically if you're in a family, usually you do chores without getting paid for them. I mean, you don't pay your dad to drive you to school. You don't pay your mom to do your laundry and so on and so on. Basically it'll give you a better sense of understanding of doing tasks for other people without expecting something in return. But I think that's a little too philosophical.
For me, I'm not sure. I never got paid to do chores as a kid. So, I think a good mixture of both is probably the right answer. What do you think?
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