
Beginner English Grammar (A1) Lesson 24 of 25


Read and listen to four conversations using basic articles.

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Conversation 1

Man: Do you have a pen? I forgot mine.
Woman: I don't have a pen, but I have a pencil.
Man: That works. Do you have an eraser?
Woman: The pencil has an eraser.
Man: Perfect. And do you have any paper?
Woman: My gosh, you don’t have anything!

Conversation 2

Man: Would you like a sandwich?
Woman: I would love a sandwich.
Man: And some chips?
Woman: Some chips sound lovely.
Man: How about a drink? Do you want a soda, or some iced tea?
Woman: I’m OK. I have a water.
Man: Do you want the water in a glass with ice?
Woman: No, the bottle is fine.

Conversation 3

Man: How do you like your new house?
Woman: It’s nice. It has a kitchen, a big bedroom, and a nice bathroom.
Man: What is the kitchen like?
Woman: It is big, and it has a big stove.
Man: What about the bathroom?
Woman: It does not have a bathtub, but it has a shower.
Man: Do you have a yard?
Woman: Yes, but the yard is small. It does have a nice tree though.
Man: Nice! Do you have a nice view?
Woman: No, the view is terrible. There is a tall building next door.

Conversation 4

Man: How was the wedding party? Did you have fun?
Woman: Yes, it was fun. The food was delicious.
Man: What food did they have?
Woman: There was a salad bar, a drink bar, and a buffet.
Man: That sounds nice! Was there a band?
Woman: No, but there was a DJ.
Man: Cool! How was the music?
Woman: Not great. All the songs they played were really old.
Man: That sounds like a boring party.
Woman: No, it was fun. The atmosphere was good. Everyone had a good time.


Point 1: Determiners (aanthesome) come before nouns and give nouns added meaning.
  1. I bought a hat.
  2. I bought an old hat.
  3. I bought the hat.
  4. I bought some hats.
Point 2: We use an when we introduce a singular noun. We use an if the noun or adjective starts with a vowel sound.
  1. I have a bike.
  2. I have a new bike.
  3. I have an apple.
  4. I have an old bike.
Point 3: We use some to introduce an uncountable noun or plural noun.
  1. I have some pain in my arm.
  2. She has some money for me.
  3. We have some pets.
  4. I made some cookies.
Point 4: We use the when the speaker and listener both know what is being discussed.
  1. I got the drinks for the party.
  2. I like the new cafe.
  3. When is the meeting?
  4. Who is the new guy at work?
Answer these questions about the interview.

Gap Fill: Complete the conversation with the correct word!


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