The Perfect Day

OK, if I have a day off, if it's summer time, I would probably sleep in about two hours late because I love sleeping, and then I would go shopping, especially shoe shopping and after that I would probably meet some friends and go to the beach, if I was near a beach, and certainly would swim in the sea because I do love swimming, especially in the sea, and I would probably sunbathe.
That sounds like an ideal summer day to me, maybe in the evening a few drinks and a nice meal and that would be a perfect day for me in the summer time.
day off
if I have a day off, I would probably sleep.
A day off is day you do not have school or work. Notice the following:
- I go to the beach on my day off.
- On my day off, I do nothing!
sleep in
I would probably sleep in.
When you sleep in, you do not get up early. You stay in bed longer than usual. Notice the following:
- I don't work Fridays, so I can sleep in that day.
- I like to get up early, so I never sleep in.
I certainly would swim in the sea
The adverb certainly shows that something is true or likely.
- I would certainly move overseas if i had the chance.
- He certainly was not happy! He looked so mad.
I love swimming, especially in the sea.
The adverb especially shows that something is emphasised more than other things.
- I love old movies, especially old crime dramas.
- The city has lots of good restaurants, especially by the river.
sounds like
That sounds like an ideal summer day to me
Here, the verb 'sound' is a stative verb like the following: look, smell, appear, sound, and feel. The meaning is very similar to the verb 'be' and shows what a person thinks.
- That sounds like a good idea.
- That sounds like fun!
Vocabulary Quiz
especially • sounds
Todd talks about how he was lost his wallet four times and what happened each time.