English Listenign Lesson Lab Online
Views #249 | Mid Intermediate 5

The Outfit

Jessica describes what she is wearing and where she bought it.
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Todd: Jessica, I see you're wearing a cute outfit!

Jessica: Thanks Todd

Todd: OK, so where did you get you clothes?

Jessica: Well, I got these in the states actually, and if you ever want to borrow them you can?

Todd: Thanks, thanks. I think we're maybe not the same size.

Jessica: Right, right, a little different. Yeah, the slippers are kind of a nice touch to it. We have to wear slippers where we work, so even though we work inside a university building, and we go outside actually, everything's in slippers.

Todd: OK, so you got the slippers in the states?

Jessica: Yeah, I got the slippers in, because my feet are so humongous that I would not be able to get.

Todd: They're not that big!

Jessica: There size ten.

Todd: Ooh, that's

Jessica: That's pretty big.

Todd: Yeah, Yeah OK. Well, they look comfortable.

Jessica: They are. They are. They're like clogs.

Todd: OK, and where, the pants?

Jessica: Express

Todd: Express is a store?

Jessica: Is a store, in America, yeah. Just a, kind of, they're business, business casual.

Todd: How much did you pay?

Jessica: Ooh, too much I think! About 50 dollars U.S.

Todd: for pants?

Jessica: For pants, but they're

Todd: I've never paid 50 dollars for pants in my entire life.

Jessica: No! Really!

Todd: Well it shows, my fashion sense. And your shirt, your blouse?

Jessica: I got it from, from, Learners, which is also another store in the states, and this was like actually 35 dollars.

Todd: 35 dollars! You spend a lot of money on clothes.

Jessica: No, I don't though. I just, for business clothes. You have to have professional looking clothes so.

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