Ruth, England
Something I like shopping for? I like shopping for everything. I like shopping for clothes. I like shopping for food. I like shopping for presents. Everything. Maybe the one exception would be shopping for DIY things: things like pliers and gardening tools and wallpaper. I'm not really interested in things like that but that's the exception. Other than that, everything.
Simon, Canada
What do I like shopping for? I like shopping for food, going to the supermarket looking at -- especially a nice good supermarket and looking at all the weird and cool and wacky food. That's pretty fun. What I don't like shopping for is everything else. I'm not really a big shopping fan. I like to buy as quickly as possible and get out as quickly as possible and that's it.
Al, England
I don't really enjoy shopping at all but I guess if I have to go shopping, the one type of shopping I enjoy is bread shopping. I really enjoy looking for really good bread and smelling the bread in the bread shop, but usually I don't, I'm not a big fan of shopping anyway.
Mitchell, The United States
I enjoy shopping for food because I like eating and I do not enjoy shopping for cosmetic stuff like for example shampoo - girls stuff. I do not like shopping with girls because they tend to take long and look at every item at least ten seconds but I enjoy shopping for food for myself.
Ruth, Ireland
The thing I most enjoy shopping for is shoes. I could shop and shop and never get tired of them. The last time I visited Ireland. I bought five pairs of shoes in three days. I just love them.
Tres, The United States
I like shopping for clothing. It's a lot of fun finding new shirts or new jeans to put on, trying out new outfits that I normally wouldn't wear. The only thing I dislike about it are the prices of course, but I really have a good time going out and looking for things - that hunter-gatherer instinct in me.
the one exception

The one exception would be shopping.
An exception is something that is in some way, different than other similar things. Notice the following:
- I hate sports, the one exception being ping-pong. That's
- School's boring. The one exception would be English class.
DIY things

Shopping for DIY things.
DIY means 'Do-it-yourself'. We use DIY items to fix or take care of things in and around our home. Notice the following:
- You can find gardening tools in the DYI department.
- I'm not a DIY person. I can't fix anything.

I enjoy wacky food
We use the word 'wacky to talk about people or things that are unusual in a funny way. Notice the following:
- Jim Carrey is a wacky guy.
- It's a wacky TV comedy show.
girls stuff

I do not enjoy shopping for girls stuff.
Girls stuff would mean cosmetics, perfume, fashion accessories, stuff like that. Notice the following:
- The girls stuff is on the third floor.
- Girls stuff is so expensive!

I have that hunter-gatherer instinct.
'Hunter-gatherer' is a phrase we use to talk about at time when people hunted animals and looked for plants to eat for survival. Notice the following:
- Primative people were hunter-gatherers.
- My shopaholic girlfriend's a modern hunter-gatherer!
Vocabulary Quiz
girls' stuff • hunter