Talent Wish
Lindsay / United States
I wish that I was a ballet dancer. I think that would be really awesome to be able to stand on my tiptoes and be a beautiful ballerina dancer, like a swan.
Matt / United States
If I could choose one talent over anything else, I think that would be to be able to write nicely. My handwriting is so poor that even I have trouble reading it. So, if I could magically get a new talent, that would be to have nice handwriting.
Shiloh / United States
I wish that I could play soccer. A lot of my friends enjoy playing soccer. When you travel to other parts of the world, people love soccer, and I'm always left out because I don't know what's going on and I'm no good. So, I feel that if I was able to play soccer, I would have an in with new friends and be able to meet some interesting new people.
Paul / England
I wish I was able to play the guitar to a high standard. I have recently bought a guitar; however, I'm yet able to play. It's something I feel that is also kind of a social thing, where you can play a music, which people will always respond to and enjoy.
Tim / United States
I wish that I could sing. I can't sing very well, I feel, but there are a lot of people who think I would have a good singing voice. But since I'm not very confident with singing and never really try, I don't know how to get better. So, I wish I was just better at it automatically.
Warren / Canada
I really wish I could speak some other languages. I studied French when I was a kid, and I actually have forgotten most of it now, so I would like to go back and learn that again. But I'd also be interested in learning some other languages as well.

If I could magically get a new talent, that would be to have nice handwriting.
We use the word 'magically' to show something should not be possible. Notice the following:
- Somehow, I magically got 100% on the test.
- If I could magically make all my problems go away I would, but unfortunately, I can't.
left out

I'm always left out because I don't know what's going on
When you are left out, that means you are not included. Notice the following:
- At the party I was left out because everyone was speaking Spanish.
- All my friends can surf but me, so when we go to beach I feel left out.
have an in

If I was able to play soccer, I would have an in with new friends.
When you 'have an in', that means you have a personal connection to someone. Notice the following:
- When she was in China, because she was Irish she had an in with students studying English.
- My father's best friend is the boss with that company so I have an in with them.

I'm not very confident with singing.
When you are confident at doing some activity, you think you can do it well. Notice the following:
- He was confident he would pass the test, but he failed.
- I just got my licence so I am still not confident driving on the high way yet.

I was just better at it automatically.
When something happens automatically, it happens without any prompting. Notice the following:
- The newspaper subscription automatically renews each year.
- My father always automatically starts washing the dishes after dinner.
Vocabulary Quiz
confident • automatically
Listen to six messages asking for a favor.
What sports do people want in the Olympics?
Six people discuss what will become obsolete.
Six people share the restaurants they like best.
Hear what people wish they could do.