Arguing with a Stranger
Lindsay / United States
I have gotten into an argument with a stranger once. We were sitting in the wrong seats at a Laker game, and the man got so upset and started yelling at us, "Why don't you move?" And it was really just a simple misunderstanding, and I didn't understand why he was yelling at us, so I started fighting back and saying, "It's the holiday season. Please calm down. We're moving seats now," and then, he got even more upset. Finally, we just walked away while he was screaming at us.
Katia / Mexico
I don't remember getting into an argument with a stranger. Usually, it takes me a while to talk to somebody and then start a conversation, then an argument. So, if I have been in a argument, it's been with somebody that I have known.
Kat / Germany
Yes, I've gotten into many arguments with strangers. One thing I cannot abide is people cutting in line. When that happens to me, I get in fights with complete strangers.
Warren / Canada
Yeah, I remember. Actually, it was in a pub, and I was talking about the lead singer of Guns and Roses, Axl Rose, and I mentioned that he can be difficult to work with. I guess a fan of his nearby overheard that and he came over and started arguing with me and actually wanted to take it outside. But luckily, I managed to talk it through with him and we ended up having a beer together.
Sarah / England
The only time I've gotten into an argument with a stranger was when I was part of a car accident, and we had difference in opinion about whose fault it was, so it escalated a little bit. But we sort of both backed down, so it was under control and it was okay.
Rese / Botswana
No, I've never gotten into an argument with a stranger. I'm not really confrontational, so I normally try and just walk away from any type of confrontation, especially with people that I don't know. It's really difficult for me to even get in an argument with family. So, with a stranger, I don't think I could ever get into an argument with a stranger.
calm down

It's the holiday season. Please calm down.
You tell someone to calm down if you think they are too angry, anxious, or energetic. Notice the following:
- You are too loud. You need to calm down.
- The teacher tried to calm down the lively class.
cut in line

One thing I cannot abide is people cutting in line.
When you cut in line, you go before people who have been waiting in a line to get something. Notice the following:
- Did you see that man just cut in line in front of me?
- In some cultures it is common to cut in line, while in others it is a big offense.
difference in opinion

We had difference in opinion about whose fault it was.
When people have a difference in opinion, the think differently about something. Notice the following:
- We have a difference in opinion about that movie.
- Even best friends often have a difference in opinion.
backed down

We sort of both backed down.
When people back down, they withdraw from a conflict. Notice the following:
- The man threatened to hit me, but he backed down once he saw the police arrive.
- I started to yell at my boss, but then I backed down when I realized I needed my job.
under control

It was under control after a few minutes.
When something is under control, it is manageable. Notice the following:
- The fire fighters got the fire under control.
- Things were crazy for awhile, but eventually everything got under control.
Vocabulary Quiz
back down • under control