Beginner English (A2) Lesson 6 - Past Tense (-ed) endings

Spring Cleaning

Darcy talks about what she did on the weekend.

Todd: So, Darcy, how was your weekend?

Darcy: Pretty good. I stayed home, I relaxed, I enjoyed myself. Watched a movie, did some cooking. I went to an event, an Easter event on Sunday, so I cooked some deviled eggs for the party.

Todd: Oh, for Easter. Deviled eggs.

Darcy: Yes.

Todd: Nice.

Darcy: So I looked for honey mustard, but I couldn't find any. I walked to the conveni, they didn't have anything, and I went to A-Price, but I had to make my own, so I mixed honey mustard, no I mixed mustard and honey together to make my own honey mustard.

Todd: Oh, nice. Sounds really good.

Darcy: It was very nice.

Todd: Did you ... did people like it?

Darcy: Everyone ate them. They all disappeared.

Todd: Oh, really?

Darcy: Yes.

Todd: Oh, fantastic.

Darcy: So, how about you? What did you do?

Todd: Well, I did my spring cleaning. So, once a year I clean my house really well, we call it spring cleaning, so I did everything. I washed the windows, I dusted the shelves, I vacuumed the floor, I mopped the kitchen. I did a lot. I also gathered lots of old things that I don't need, and I got them together to take to the trash tomorrow, and I packed up all my winter clothes, and I stored them in a box for next year.

Darcy: That's nice. I only vacuumed my apartment and organized my fridge.

Todd: Oh, that's good, though. Still, that's a start.

Darcy: Yeah. Right now, there's nothing in my apartment, so I can't do much.

Todd: Oh, that's good, so you're now a minimalist.

Darcy: Yes.

Todd: Oh, that's cool. Yeah, well, what about preparation for work? Did you work at all? We're both teachers. Did you prepare any lessons or grade papers or do anything?

Darcy: No, I try not to take my work home, so this weekend I enjoyed myself, watched a couple TV shows, and cooked, and relaxed. How about you?

Todd: That's good. Let's see. I actually did do a little marking, so I marked some papers and I prepared my lessons, but I did that to lower my stress. I get stressed out if I have a lot to do, you know, at the last minute, so I got prepared, and now it's going to be a really easy, relaxing weekend. But I also watched a movie. I watched a really good movie.

Darcy: What did you watch?

Todd: Actually, I can't remember the name of it. This is really bad, because it was in Japanese, so I didn't understand everything. I understood about 50%, but it was about a mother and father that had an argument about their son, who was very rebellious, and the son didn't do what the parents want him to do. He goofed off all day, he didn't study, and so the father was very strict, and the mother was very worried, and it was just about the boy. But it was in Japanese, so didn't understand everything, so I was confused a bit.

Darcy: Sounds like you understood a lot, though.

Todd: A little bit, just watching visually. How about you, what movie did you watch?

Darcy: Well, I watched a TV show called The Umbrella Academy. That's a new TV show. Some children were born on the same day, and a man adopted the children, and each kid has a superpower, kind of, so it jumps into the future, or the present, but it skipped back to the past and showed kind of how they got their powers or what their powers were, and someone disappeared, but then he came back. It was just really interesting. It's like a superhero TV show.

Todd: Oh, wow. Sounds like a good show. I should check it out.

Darcy: Yeah. It's really new.

Todd: And if I can find the name of that movie, I'll look it up. I'll tell you.

Darcy: Okay. Umbrella Academy.

Past Tense

Past Tense

Past tense verbs usually end with an -ed ending but only for affirmative sentences. For questions and negative statements we use did to express the past. See below.

(Q) Where did you work?
(A) I worked in an office.
(N) I did not work in the city.

There are three ways to pronounce the -ed ending.

-ed = /t/ Verbs ending with non-voiced sound such as the following: -sh, -ch, -p, -k, -s, -t.

I washed the dishes
I walked to work.
I worked at my desk.
I talked to my friend

-ed = /d/ Verbs ending with voiced sound such as the following: -n, -y, -v, -m.

I cleaned the room.
I enjoyed the movie.
I mowed the lawn.

-ed = /id/ Verbs ending with -d or -t.

I wanted to go.
I decided to stay.
I needed to sleep.


I did not work.
I didn’t sleep much.

(did not = didn’t)

Answer the following questions about the interview.

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