Learn English with Views

Learn how students can use the views lessons to improve their English.

Hear Natural English
Listen to Real Conversations
Learn New Words and Prases

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What are the Views Lessons?

The Views listening lessons are discussions of people talking about everyday topics. Each lesson comes with a script, quiz and vocabulary support.

Unlike scripted materials, these conversations reflect real-world English, providing a more genuine listening experience. This is particularly beneficial for students, as it allows them to hear how English is spoken in everyday life.

Why Natural Conversations Matter

Traditional learning materials, like textbooks, often include scripted dialogues that don't quite capture the essence of natural speech. By listening to unscripted conversations, you can:

  • Hear authentic English: Understand how people naturally speak, including common phrases, slang, and idiomatic expressions.
  • Improve listening skills: Get accustomed to different accents and speaking styles.
  • Prepare for real-world interactions: Learn to follow conversations without relying on structured formats.

Four Steps to Mastering the Views Activity

1. Listen for Enjoyment

Start by simply watching the video or listening to the audio. Don’t worry about taking notes or answering questions—just enjoy the conversation. Most lessons are short, around three to five minutes, making it easy to fit into your daily routine. This initial step mimics real-life listening situations where you focus on understanding the gist rather than details.

2. Take the Quiz

Next, challenge yourself with the accompanying quiz. Before playing the audio again, read the questions and see which answers you can recall from your first listen. Then, play the audio, take the quiz, and check your answers. This step helps reinforce your listening comprehension and retention.

3. Listen and Read

For your third listen, follow along with the transcript. Reading while listening can significantly boost your understanding. It’s similar to having someone read to you, enhancing your grammar, vocabulary, and overall comprehension. Pay special attention to the highlighted vocabulary words, as these are key terms you'll want to remember.

4. Learn the Vocabulary

Finally, delve into the vocabulary section. Each highlighted word in the transcript is explained with definitions and examples. You can listen to these words in context and take a vocabulary quiz to test your knowledge. This step solidifies your understanding and ability to use new words correctly.

Additional Resources

Once you’ve completed these steps, explore more of what Elllo.org has to offer. Scroll down to find additional videos and interviews featuring speakers from around the world. This variety helps you get used to different accents and cultural nuances in English.


The Views activity on Elllo.org is a fantastic tool for learning English naturally. By following these four steps—listening for enjoyment, taking the quiz, listening and reading, and learning vocabulary—you can enhance your listening, reading, grammar, and vocabulary skills. Dive into these lessons and enjoy the process of learning English as it’s truly spoken. Thank you for being part of our learning community, and I hope you find these resources as enjoyable and beneficial as I do.

One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos