A1 Beginner

Mid Intermediate - Level 5 Listening

ESL students can learn English with lessons featuring audio or video, a script, interactive quiz and vocabulary activities.
1247 Work from Abroad
1520 Bangkok Shopping
Jerri shares shopping options in Bangkok.

1247 Work from Abroad
1519 Bangkok Transportation - Part 2
More ways to get around in Bangkok.

1247 Work from Abroad
1518 Bangkok Transportation - Part 1
Getting around in Bangkok.

1247 Work from Abroad
1517 Island Stress
Problems facing Thailand's islands.

1247 Work from Abroad
1516 Thai Island Life
The wonderful features of Thailand's islands.

1247 Work from Abroad
1515 Kids and Boredom
Is life too fun for kids?

1247 Work from Abroad
1514 Family Money Flow
How families and money differ worldwide

1247 Work from Abroad
1513 The Emply Nest
Life after the kids grow up

1510 Student Life in China Part 2
1510 Student Life in China Part 2
Hear about life for students in China.

1509 Student Life in China Part 1
1509 Student Life in China Part 1
Hear how school in China is very competitive.

1506 Favorite Celebrities
1506 Favorite Celebrities
Hana and Ben discuss famous people they like.

1247 Work from Abroad
1505 Movie Take
Ben talks about two movies he saw recently.

1247 Work from Abroad
1500 Learning with TV
Good shows to learn English.

1247 Work from Abroad
1499 Learning English
Learn tips to learn English

1247 Work from Abroad
1490 Music and Money
Ben and Hanna discuss the music industry.
1247 Work from Abroad
1489 High School Band
Ben talks about being a rock band in high school.

1247 Work from Abroad
1488 Super Hero Skills
What skill would you like to have?
1247 Work from Abroad
1487 Hard Work vs Talent
What trait is more important to success?

1247 Work from Abroad
1482 Phone Addictions
Can you live without your phone?

1247 Work from Abroad
1478 Burgers and Baseball
Food and sport stereotypes

1380 Truffle Time
1380 Truffle Time
How to make these chocolate goodies

1379 Baking Cake Pops
1379 Baking Cake Pops
New trends in baking

1328 Ocean Encounters
#1328 Ocean Encounters
Sorie and Mark talk about meeting sealife.

1238 More Freaks
1238 More Freaks
Julia and Todd discuss certain traits.

1237 Freaks and Animals
1237 Freaks and Animals
Julia and Todd discuss certain lifestyles.

1224 More Moms
1224 More Moms
Tiger Moms and Helicopter Parents.

1223 Soccer Moms
1223 Soccer Moms
Soccer Moms and Nascar Dads.

1200 Born to Run
1200 Born to Run
Julia talks about people who run long distances.

1198 Alternative Exercise
1198 Alternative Exercise
New ways people stay in shape

1141 Korean Wedding
1184 Character Changes
Maria talks about her personality.

1141 Korean Wedding
1183 Change in Appearance
Maria talks about changing her appearance.

#1088 Make-up
1088 Make-up
Rebecca talks about being introduced to make-up.

#1087 Tomboy
1087 Tomboy
Rebecca talks about growing up as a tomboy.

1044 Ginger Snacks
1044 Ginger Snacks
Ginger can make pumpkin dip and fruit smoothies.

1043 Eggplant Curry
1043 Eggplant Curry
Nabil shares the secret for his eggplant curry.

1042 Nabil's Place
1042 Nabeel's Place
Nabeel talks about his apartment and neighbors.

1041 Ginger's Place
1041 Ginger's Place
Ginger shares why she lives where she does.

1023 Online Reading
1028 Sports Divided
Shirley talks about two rival teams in Scotland.

1023 Online Reading
1027 Countries United
Shirley explains the United Kingdom and Great Britain.

1022 Island Invasion
1022 Island Invasion
Cheryl talks about serious problems on her island.

1021 Island Dangers
1021 Island Dangers
Cheryl talks about dangerous things on her island.

1015 The Big Mix
1015 The Big Mix
CleAnn talks about her very multicultural country.

1006 Winning
1006 Winning
Monica and Todd debate winning and teen sports.

1005 Physical Education
1005 Physical Education
Monica and Todd discuss students taking P.E. classes.