Listening Activities

Welcome to ELLLO!
ELLLO stands for English Listening Lesson Library Online!
It is a free ESL/EFL site that helps students and teachers access thousands of free listening lessons that feature natural English.
ELLLO has many fun lessons to help students learn English naturally and effectively. Whether students are just starting or want to improve their fluency, ELLLO lessons are made especially for students learning English.
The best way to learn English is by hearing how people use language naturally. To help students do this, ELLLO has six types of lessons that are free, fun and effective. Most lesson on ELLLO are real conversations, not boring lessons from a book.
Below are some of the features lessons on ELLLO.
Views - Natural English Conversations
Views has over 1500 lessons where you can hear real people talking. They talk about lots of things, and you'll learn how English sounds in real life. The lessons come with a quiz, transcript, and special audio vocabulary lessons.
One Minute English
These short videos of natural English featuring natural English are the most popular lessons on ELLLO. Students can hear how English sounds when people talk without reading from a script.
In these lessons, six people answer a question. Students can hear how different accents and learn new words as they listen. These lessons feature International English with speakers from all over the world. The lessons come with special audio vocabulary lessons.
Sound Grammar
These lessons feature 100 short discussions that use specific grammar points. Students can watch short animations of the conversations. These lessons come with free worksheets and a downloadable book.
These listening lessons feature people talking about their thoughts and daily life. Each spoken lesson lasts about 60 seconds. Students can listen and learn how English speakers talk about interesting parts of their life.
News Center
These lessons features short news stories. Students can listen to people talking about interesting news topics and learn new words. These lessons feature more difficult academic and business vocabulary. Each lesson comes with six news stories, each with a quiz.
Six Pix
These lessons feature short audio clips that require the students to match the audio with an image. In this lesson, students practice listening to gist. These are easy, low-stakes listening tasks that are fun to do.
STeP - Academic English
These lessons feature short articles about a variety of topics. Unlike most lessons on ELLLO, these lessons are scripted, so the vocabulary and grammar is more advanced and academic.
To learn more about each type of lesson, and how each lesson type can help students learn English and help teachers prepare lessons, click the link below.