Julia / England
Hi, my name's Julia, I'm from the UK. My question is, is your family unique or common?
And I guess I'd say perhaps both. My family is common in that we have basically four members, my two parents, myself and my younger brother. So growing up, I think that was a fairly average size in the UK. Family with about 2.4 children being the average number. And we did average things. We had family holidays together. I'm very lucky, I think that my parents are still together and I'm very happy about that. So I still think of us as this nuclear family. We are still very close and enjoy spending time together.
My family's perhaps unique in that all four of my grandparents lived until quite late into their lives. So as an adult, even into my 30s, I enjoyed a relationship with four grandparents, two sets of grandparents. And I think that was a very special and unique experience to learn from my grandparents and hear stories about their childhood. And I think that many people maybe aren't fortunate enough to know their grandparents quite so late into their lives. So my family's both common and unique, I think.
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