Crime Story
Gareth talks about a scary time when he had to deal with criminal behavior.
Rebecca: So, Gareth, is England a safe place to live?
Gareth: Um, to be honest, no. I don't think so, but I haven't lived in England for quite a few years now, so I don't know what it's like now. But when I left, no. I can remember like walking back at home, having bottles thrown at me from the ops - walking along the road, the opposite road. So, yeah, and being hassled. So there's one time, I was walking back from uni and I was going to my apartment. This guy was yelling at me, and I had my headphones on, and I didn't really hear him. But he came close and he was still yelling at me, so I turned around, and he said, - Oh, I thought you're my mate. And I said, - No, no, no. I mean, you misunderstand. And he said, - Oh, okay, and he said, - Oh, I'll walk with you, I'll walk with you.
Well, so the road that led to my apartment was so secluded, and I was a little bit wary, kind of made me feel a little bit worried. So he said, - No, I'll walk with you. So we started walking and he said, - So, do you have a cellphone? I said, - Yeah, I have a cellphone. He said, - Oh, can I use it? Can I make a phone call on it? And I said, - No. I'm like, - That's all right. I don't want - yeah, I'm just going to go home. And he started getting to this whole conversation about why he needed to use my cellphone, so I said, - Okay, here's my cellphone, and he took my cellphone.
Then, he said, - Oh, so then, he asked me about my money, like he said, - How much money do you have on you? And I was like, - Oh, no, so I started to run. I had my big backpack on with like I had a camera in my backpack, and I was worried about him like stealing all of my stuff, so I started to run. He chased after me, and he pulled me down to the ground. And at that moment, this lady started walking down this secluded road - and yeah, if it hadn't been -
Rebecca: Oh, the timing!
Gareth: Yeah, if it hadn't been for her, like he would have stolen all of my stuff. And it was quite scary at the time. I was kind of shaken a little bit.
Rebecca: Yeah.
Gareth: But as soon as she came, he just dropped everything and walked in the other direction. So, after that, I went to the police. There was a police station very close to the apartment, and they were just sipping coffee, and not really like paperwork, not really minding the streets at all. So, I went there and I reported this. There wasn't much they could do because it was an attempt to mug me, but he didn't actually steal anything. So, they're like, - So what's the point? basically. And I tried to tell them that it was maybe preventative, like if we acted now, we can prevent him from doing it again to some other poor boys -
Rebecca: Actually mugging someone, yeah.
Gareth: And yeah. So they didn't do much. And so, I don't really have much of a good impression of the police in England, and also, just crime in England.

I remember getting hassled.
When we are hassled, that means someone bothers or annoys us; sometimes dangerously. Notice the following:
- When I was a kid, I always got hassled by my older brother.
- Hey, stop hassling me!

I said, "No, you misunderstand."
When we misunderstand, that means we are confused or don't understand. Notice the following:
- He misunderstood what I said.
- I could see a look of misunderstanding on her face.

The road to my apartment was secluded.
Something that is secluded is away from roads, buildings or other people. Notice the following:
- We relaxed on a secluded beach.
- They camped next to a secluded lake in the forest.

I was kind of shaken.
When we are shaken, that means we are scared or very upset. Notice the following:
- She was a little shaken by the news.
- They were shaken but not injured.

The police were not minding the streets.
Here, the word 'minding' means to take care of something. Notice the following:
- Can you mind the kids while I'm out?
- I'll be minding the shop for my dad this weekend.
Vocabulary Quiz
shaken • minding