Hey, my name is Daniel and I'm from Chile and the question is should children be allowed to use social media?
Well, there's a whole dilemma and there's a whole debate about it and I get the point. I know it's very risky because you don't really know who is on the other side and, you know, it might seem, like to children it might seem like there's a very friendly person but at the end it might be something kind of tricky. So if you take that point, I mean kids shouldn't be allowed to use social media. But on the other hand, I think it's better if they do because it's not, the problem is not about social media itself. I think it's because the problem is about how parents raise their children and what values they teach to them so I think if children are raised properly with like strong values, there's no problem towards social media. I think social media is as risky or as good as any other thing that we have now so I should focus a bit more on how parents raise children.
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