Hi! My name is Adam. I'm from the US, and the question is what's your favorite food?
I saw the other day a question posted online that asked if you could... or if you had to eat one food for the rest of your life or for the next year, what would it be? And my answer is... was so easy to come up with. It's pizza. I love pizza. I can't really tell you why because yeah, I don't know. I just like it, and I really could eat it everyday. It's not very healthy so I would worry about that a bit, but it's delicious. I love pizza, and I figured like you could do different toppings so you might not get bored. My other favorite food... I like sushi a lot and Miso soup for some reason. I don't know why but I feel it's really healthy, and it's really... I don't know. I just like the taste, so those two foods I could probably eat for a really long time, and... those three foods! Pizza, sushi, and miso soup.
Those three I could eat just indefinitely, those foods... and for dessert, caramel. I love caramel.
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