Elena: Hello, this is Elena from Bulgaria.
Diego: And Diego from Mexico.
Elena: For elllo.org. Today we're going to discuss whether the world is a better place or a worse place.
Diego: I think that's a really difficult question and it really depends on your opinion so what's your opinion, Elena?
Elena: I think the vast improvements in technology and science have, and health care, everything they've largely improved our lives. We live a lot more comfortably and we have good health care, we can cure diseases that we couldn't cure like even five or ten years ago and that's really great but in a way I think there are disadvantages. Life has become so rapid and hectic and nobody has time to sit down and reflect on their lives, on everything that's going on around us while we're rushing to make money and improve technology.
Diego: And so on.
Elena: Yeah.
Diego: So it's like a cycle.
Elena: In a way.
Diego: A vicious cycle.
Elena: Yeah, I think so. What do you think?
Diego: I don't know. It is a difficult question and I guess in some aspects the world is becoming a better place but in others it's not. So we need to find that balance.
Elena: Yeah, that would be great. Thank you.