Micky: Hello I'm Miki and...?
Geaw: My name is Geaw from Thailand.
Micky: Oh, right.
Geaw: And you're from?
Micky: Nigeria.
Geaw: Yep. Well the question is about should college education be free? What do you think?
Micky: I think college education should be free, as free as possible for everybody.
Geaw: Why?
Micky: Because if it's free you have more people going to college and getting this education so as such if you empower the youth you empower the nation.
Geaw: I see. Well I personally think that it should be free but with condition.
Micky: What kind of condition?
Geaw: If it is free and you can either get in or get out whenever you want then I think maybe some people would just love the (....) into, because when you go to college and you have to pay for it and you are willing to pay to go to college, it gives you your part into society, right?
Micky: Yes.
Geaw: But if you can get in for free then people that don't really want to study can also get in so I think it's a bit unfair for us who really want so I mean but in some condition that we will make the student want to study.
Micky: Yeah, want to study and pursue. I think we'll have to make it a deferred view for both parties right?
Geaw: Yes.