
Beginner English Grammar (A1) Lesson 10 of 25

Object Pronouns

Read and listen to four conversation using object pronouns.

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Conversation 1

Man: Did you call me?
Woman: Yes, I called you. Can you help me today?
Man: Sure, what can I do for you?
Woman: Can you take me to school?
Man: OK, I can pick you up at 10.
Woman: Great! See you then.

Conversation 2

Man: Who is your best friend?
Woman: My best friend is Sue.
Man: Do you talk to her every day?
Woman: Yes, I see her at school. I always meet her for lunch.
Man: Oh, why do you like her?
Woman: She is nice and funny! She makes me laugh.

Conversation 3

Man: Who is your teacher?
Woman: My teacher is Mr. Wilson. I like him a lot.
Man: Why do you like him?
Woman: Well, he is nice and he always helps me with my homework.
Man: He sounds nice.
Woman: He is. We all love him.

Conversation 4

Man: Do you have my keys?
Woman: No. I put them on the table.
Man: Ah, great. I see them. What about my wallet?
Woman: I think you set it on the counter.
Man: Really, I don't see it.
Woman: Well, I'll help you. One of us will find it.

Object Pronouns

Point 1: Subject pronouns take the place of a person or noun.
  1. I love music. It makes me happy.
  2. You are here. I did not see you.
  3. Did you see Sue? I just saw her.
  4. Where is Tony? Did you see him?
  5. I like your jacket. Where did you buy it?
  6. My students are funny. I like them so much.
  7. These shoes are dirty. I need to clean them.
  8. We will leave soon. Give us a call tomorrow.
Point 2: The first person object pronoun me and us refer to the speaker. It can be singular (S) or plural (P).
  1. (S) Tell me a story.
  2. (S) My teacher makes me laugh.
  3. (P) They help us a lot.
  4. (P) Did you see us on TV?
Point 3: The second person object pronoun you refers to the listener. It can be singular (S) or plural (P).
  1. (S) I like you.
  2. (S) I will call you later.
  3. (P) I like you (guys).
  4. (P) I will call you (all) later.
Point 4: The third person subject pronoun himherit, and them refer to a personpeoplething or things.
  1. I like Bob. I see him every day.
  2. I also like Sue. I often see her at the gym.
  3. Bob and Sue eat out often. I join them sometimes.
  4. They have a horse. They let me ride it.
  5. They have two cars. They never use them.
Answer these questions about the interview.

Gap Fill: Complete the conversation with the correct word!

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