This, That, These, Those as Determiners
ear four conversations using this, that, these, and those as determiners.
Conversation 1
Man: Is this your book?
Woman: Yes, that is my book.
Man: And is this your pencil?
Woman: No, that is not my pencil. It belongs to my friend.
Man: What about these glasses?
Woman: I think those glasses belong to the teacher.
Man: Okay, let's leave them here.
Conversation 2
Man: I like these jeans.
Woman: I like those, too.
Man: Do you like this shirt?
Woman: No, but I like that shirt.
Man: The blue one?
Woman: No, the green one.
Man: Hmm, I don't like that color.
Woman: Really, I like it!
Conversation 3
Man: How much is this coffee maker?
Woman: That is ten dollars.
Man: And how much are these plates?
Woman: Those are five dollars each.
Man: What about these spoons?
Woman: Those spoons are one dollar each.
Man: I'll take them.
Woman: Sold!
Conversation 4
Man: I don’t like this table.
Woman: Why? What is wrong with it?
Man: It is small. And these chairs are not comfortable.
Woman: Okay, where do you want to sit?
Man: Let’s sit at that table over there.
Woman: Okay, but those chairs look small, too.
Man: Maybe, but the table is very big.
Woman: Okay! Let’s change tables.
Demonstrative Pronouns
- I like this shirt. (close to speaker)
- I don't like that shirt. (away from speaker)
- Look at that car! (away from speaker)
- This bike is nice! (close to speaker)
- These jeans are too tight! (close to speaker)
- Try those jeans.(away from speaker)
- Are these your books? (close to speaker)
- No, those books over there are mine. (away from speaker)
- Do you like this shirt?
- Do you like this?
- What are these items?
- What are these?
Gap Fill: Complete the conversation with the correct word!