
Beginner English Grammar (A1) Lesson 15 of 25

Telling Time

Hear four conversations about telling time.

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Conversation 1

Man: What time is the meeting?
Woman: It starts at 6 o'clock.
Man: When is it over?
Woman: It is over at 7:30.
Man: Wow! So long!
Woman: Well, it might finish by 7:15.

Conversation 2

Man: When is your first class?
Woman: It is at 8:30.
Man: Me too! When is your last class?
Woman: My last class is at 3:45.
Man: When does it finish?
Woman: At 5:15
Man: Wow, so late!
Woman: I know.

Conversation 3

Man: Excuse me. What time is it?
Woman: It is half past ten.
Man: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
Woman: Oh, it is 10:30.
Man: Oh, thanks. Half past ten means 10:30?
Woman: Yes, it does.
Man: So half past seven means 7:30.
Woman: Yes, you got it.

Conversation 4

Man: When is the next bus?
Woman: It is at quarter past eight.
Man: 8:15! That's too early. I want to get a coffee. And when is the next one?
Woman: The next bus is at quarter to nine.
Man: 8:45. OK, I can take that one.
Woman: There is also one at 9:15.
Man: Hmm. 9:15 is too late. I have class at 9:30.
Woman: Don't miss it then!

Telling time

Point 1: You can use o'clock at the top of the hour, but often it is not spoken.
  1. It is six o'clock. - It is six.
  2. It is eight o'clock. - It is eight.
  3. It is twelve o'clock. - It is twelve.
  4. It is two o'clock. - It is two.
Point 2: Twelve o'clock has two special namesNoon for daytime and midnight for nighttime.
  1. The meeting is at noon.
  2. Great! See you at twelve.
  3. I was asleep at midnight.
  4. I was still awake at 12.
Point 3: For time 30 minutes past the hour, you can use the term half past.
  1. 2:30 | half past two
  2. 6:30 | half past six
  3. 9:30 | half past nine
  4. 11:30 | half past eleven
Point 4: For time 15 minutes past the hour, you can use the term a quarter past.
  1. 2:15 | a quarter past two
  2. 4:15 | a quarter past four
  3. 7:15 | a quarter past seven
  4. 12:15 | a quarter past noon
Point 5: For time 45 minutes past the hour, you can use the term a quarter to/till.
  1. 1:45 | a quarter to two
  2. 4:45 | a quarter to five
  3. 9:45 | a quarter till ten
  4. 12:45 | a quarter to one
Answer these questions about the interview.

Gap Fill: Complete the conversation with the correct word!


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