Mark shares his thoughts on practicing meditation.
Mark: Hey, Haruka. I have a question for you. Do you ever meditate?
Haruka: Only occasionally. I know it's very good for your mental health, but I forget all the time. Do you?
Mark: I do, but not in the most traditional or usual way. I don't sit in silence very often. I do that too sometimes, but I'll meditate either by going through a guided meditation, like a voice, someone telling me to relax your shoulders and focus on your breathing, et cetera. Or I meditate at other times like when I'm doing the dishes. I just focus on just the act of the water going over my hands or cleaning the dishes. And that's a form of meditation to me.
Haruka: Do you feel much better after that?
Mark: I feel calmer. I certainly feel more relaxed. Yeah. I feel like when I do that, my mind usually is going very fast and it's a good way to slow it down and bring it back to a more tolerable way of thinking.
Haruka: Is meditation similar to zoning out?
Mark: I guess, but to me, zoning out is letting your mind wander. Whereas meditation, you're bringing it to a single focal point.
Haruka: I see. Actually, I remember that I have used this app called Undo. It's a very simple three minutes or whatever minutes you choose. And it start with a bamboo sound. And I like it and I feel, yeah, much calmer after that meditation.
Mark: Yeah. I have the same app. That is the one time I will do a silent meditation. I'll use that app because, like you said, there's this bamboo sound at the beginning and a gong at the end, but it's just silent in between. Other than meditation, what else do you do when you get stressed out?
Haruka: Recently, I do try to do deeper breathing, inhale and exhale. And also looking at the window, mountains, skies, feeling the breeze. They are all very calming to me. How about you?
Mark: If I get stressed out or if I'm unhappy, I try to think about other people. What could I do for someone else to make them happy? How could I surprise someone, something like that.
Haruka: That's very nice of you.
Mark: Yeah, I guess. It just, it helps me. Because if I don't do tat, I will probably focus too much on whatever's making me unhappy or stressed out. But if I put my attention on someone else, that makes me happy.
Haruka: I love that way of thinking. I will try that.
About the Teacher / Creator
Hello, and welcome to elllo. My name is Todd Beuckens. I've been an ESL teacher for 25 years. I created elllo to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.
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