Do you have enough gadgets?
Warren / Canada
I don't think I have enough gadgets. I think ... I don't think anyone should have too many, but I'm definitely wanting to have a few more devices to help me. Right now, I only have a regular cellphone, but I really wanted to get an iPhone. Actually, my iPod, I put through the washing machine by accident, and it managed to keep working for a year, but now the insides have rusted out and it doesn't work, so I need to get one of those, too.
Tim / United States
I don't have too many gadgets. I have essential things, like I have a cellphone, I have a computer, a camera, and that's basically it. I don't really get a lot of gadgets and random items, because if I don't use something very often, I don't see the point of having it, so I get rid of it, or I'll just not buy it in the first place.
Gareth / England
Yeah, I have quite a few gadgets, quite a few old mp3 players that I no longer use, and every time Apple releases a new product, I have to have it, so it's a little bit like an obsession for me.
Katia / Mexico
No, I do not have many gadgets. I avoid anything that is technical or that is complicated. The simpler, the better. I find things, like gadgets, a little bit difficult to use, and many times I don't think they are necessary, so I rather not use or have any gadgets.
Lindsay / United States
No, I don't; my husband does. He's always buying a new gadget, a new computer, a new projector, a new DVD player. But for me, no, I don't like gadgets. I just got an iPhone, so that's probably my only real gadget.
Sunny / Korea
I don't think I have too many gadgets. I only have the regular ones people have, like computers, mp3 players, but I really like to try new stuffs, even ... if I had some chance.

I want a few more devices for work.
A device is a gadget. It is a small electronic machine used to simplify a task. Notice the following:
- Do you know how to work this device?
- That's a new device. What does it do?
by accident

I put my iPod through the washing machine by accident.
When something happens by accident, that means you made it happen by mistake. Notice the following:
- I hit your car by accident. I promise to fix it.
- We broke the machine by accident. I promise to get you a new one.
see the point

I don't see the point of having it
When you see the point of something, you understand it why it happens. Notice the following:
- I don't see the point of studying if I can use my book on the test.
- I see your point, but I still disagree.
in the first place

I'll just not buy it in the first place.
'In the first place' means 'to begin with'. Notice the following:
- This hotel is terrible. We should never have come here in the first place.
- I hate the topic of my paper. It is so boring. I wish I had not chosen it in the first place.
no longer

I have quite a few gadgets I no longer use.
'No longer' meand 'not anymore'. Notice the following:
- I now ride my bike everywhere so I no longer need my car.
- That family no longer lives there. They moved.
Vocabulary Quiz
in the first place • no longer