Who do you admire?
Sarah / England
In a way, I admire Margaret Thatcher. She was the first female prime minister in England. She was a very powerful, powerful woman. She broke any normal social norms associated with politics and the female gender. So, I admire her for breaking through that.
Tim / United States
A historical person I admire is a famous American author called Mark Twain. He has written a lot of fiction and is very well known for a book called "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." I think he had a very unique perspective on the world around him, and he was a very good critique of society that allowed people to think what they were doing.
Paul / England
A historical person I admire is Nelson Mandela, who, despite the exteme and intense hardship he went through, he remained dedicated to his beliefs and his cause, and he has become a very important leader, a spiritual leader, for the whole African continent.
Katia / Mexico
One historical person that I admire and I can think of right now is Ernestto Guevarra, Che Guevarra as people know him. He was from Argentina, a doctor that traveled throughout Latin America to see how people lived, and he ended up in Cuba, helping Fidel Castro to run or start the revolution. He had, I believe, very good ideals, very good convictions of what Latin America should be. So, I think that's a very good historical person that I admire.
Warren / Canada
I think someone who I admire historically would be Jimmy Hendrix. I think he revolutionized rock music, or music in general, and many different styles of playing the guitar.
Lindsay / United States
I admire Martin Luther King. I think that he had a lot of strength and a lot of courage and was able to pull off the civil rights movement because he was a very powerful leader and people really looked at him to lead by example.
social norms

She broke many normal social norms associated with politics.
Social norms are actions people do that the public view as acceptable behavior. Notice the following:
- Taking turns to speak in a social norm in most cultures.
- When you move to a new culture, it is important to learn the social norms.

Despite the exteme and intense hardship he went through, he remained dedicated to his beliefs.
The words 'despite' expresses that an action was done, even though it was not logical. Notice the following:
- He continued to play tennis despite the pain in his knee.
- She got the job despite not having any experience.

He was a doctor that traveled throughout Latin America
'Throughout' is another way to say 'all over'. Notice the following:
- There are many fine restaurants throughout the city.
- He has taught English throughout Asia.

I think he revolutionized rock music, or music in general
When you revolutionize something you make a new idea a common practice. Notice the following:
- The microwave revolutionized how people cook.
- The computer revolutionized how people study and work.
pull off

He was able to pull off the civil rights movement because he was a very powerful leader
Here, the verb 'pull off' means to accomplish something that was hard to do. Notice the following:
- He was able to pull off an A in that class despite the fact that he did not study.
- The ice-skater pulled of an triple axel, the hardest just to do.
Vocabulary Quiz
pull off •revolutionized