Things to do in London
Hana talks with Daniel about things you can do in her hometown of London.
Daniel: Hey Hana, how are you?
Hana: I’m fine, thank you.
Daniel: So tell me, you lived in London, right?
Hana: Yes.
Daniel: Well, I’m planning to go to London and I’m really looking forward to it. But I’m not really sure and I don’t really know what to expect and what I can see there, can you tell me a little bit, please?
Hana: Yeah, sure. London is a very interesting place. It’s a place where a lot of cultures are mixed. There are lots of historical buildings, for example, Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. There is a very famous museum called the British Museum. And a lot of people come and visit every year.
Daniel: That’s really good because I’m really interested in history and I really want to see history there. But is there any other thing that I should see in London or I should try in London, for example, is there any good local British food?
Hana: Well, England isn’t very famous for food, but it is famous because a lot of food from different countries is all gathered. For example, there’s a very good place called The Camden Market and you can go and buy food from all over the world.
Daniel: Good, that sounds really interesting, really looking forward to it. Thank you.
Hana: You’re welcome.
look forward to
I’m really looking forward to it.
To look forward to something is to be happy about a future event. Notice the following:
- They are looking forward to the party tonight.
- I'm looking forward to meeting him someday.
I’m not really sure and I don’t really know what to expect.
Sure is to believe something 100%. Notice the following:
- She's sure the her team will win the game.
- I'm not sure if it will rain tomorrow.
what to expect
I don't know what to expect.
What to expect is something that will happen. Notice the following:
- The teacher explained what to expect this year.
- I didn't know what to expect from my new job.
a lot of food from different countries is all gathered.
Gathered means to get together. Notice the following:
- The crowd gathered outside the building.
- We gathered some flowers and put them in a vase.
all over
You can go and buy food from all over the world.
All over means everywhere or in many places. Notice the following:
- I looked all over for you.
- I dropped the cake all over the kitchen floor.
Vocabulary Quiz
gather • all over
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Hello, and welcome to elllo. My name is Todd Beuckens. I've been an ESL teacher for 25 years. I created elllo to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.
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