Intermediate English Grammar (B2) Lesson 5 of 25

Adverb Placement

Watch four videos showing adverb placement in conversation.

Conversation 1

Man: Have you ever been to Europe?
Woman: I haven’t technically been there, but I had a layover in Paris.
Man: That doesn’t really count, does it?
Woman: No, but I'm hopefully going next year.
Man: Oh, yeah? Where are you planning on going?
Woman: I’m tentatively planning on going to Spain.
Man: Oh, Spain is definitely worth the visit.

Conversation 2

Man: What are you doing this weekend?
Woman: I will probably stay home. What about you?
Man: I’m most likely going to stay home too.
Woman: Oh, yeah? Do you want to do something?
Man: No, I'm really looking forward to just relaxing at home.
Woman: Suit yourself.

Conversation 3

Man: Have you tried the new Italian restaurant?
Woman: No, is it any good?
Man: Yes, you should definitely check it out.
Woman: What do you recommend?
Man: Well, I especially recommend the ravioli. It is mouth-watering good.
Woman: Thanks, I'll surely give it a look.

Conversation 4

Man: So, did you get the results of your test score?
Woman: No, but I've been anxiously awaiting the results.
Man: I'm sure you did fine.
Woman: I’m not so sure. This test was definitely harder than the last one.
Man: I wouldn’t worry about it. I hear all the students eventually pass the class anyway.
Woman: That’s not true. You’re sadly mistaken.


Point 1 : An adverb can modify a verb by giving more meaning to an action. It usually goes after a main verb, but it can go before it.
  1. He left quickly.
  2. He spoke quietly in my ear.
  3. The rain fell heavily outside.
  4. The cat suddenly jumped on the table.
Point 2 : Adverbs usually go after Be verbs.
  1. You’re sadly mistaken.
  2. I'm not completely sure.
  3. He is fortunately not sick.
  4. She is slightly upset with you.
Point 3 : Adverbs go between the auxiliary Be verbs and the main verb.
  1. I’m tentatively planning on going to Spain.
  2. She is clearly not listening to me.
  3. It was easily repaired.
  4. The door was loudly shut by the wind.
Point 4: Adverbs usually appear between a verb and modal.
  1. You should definitely check it out.
  2. I did not completely understand him.
  3. I will surely be there.
  4. You might eventually get in trouble.
Point 5 : For dramatic effect or emphasis, the adverb sometimes appears before a modal, but not auxiliary verbs (is, was, have).
  1. You definitely should check it out.
  2. I completely did not understand him.
  3. I surely will be there.
  4. You eventually might get in trouble.
Answer these questions about the interview.


More Grammar Conversations for Intermediate Students (2)

Grammar Listening Practice

                        Simple Passive
B2-01 Simple Passive
All the food is cooked with organic ingredients.

                        Past Passive
B2-02 Past Passive
It was built about 30 years ago.

B2-03 Was
                        able to
B2-03 Was able to
I wasn’t able to answer all the questions.

B2-04 Was
                        going to
B2-04 Was going to
I was going to go there.

                        Adverb Placement
B2-05 Adverb Placement
I haven’t technically been there.

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