What is your biggest meal of the day?
Gareth / England
Probably, my biggest meal is dinner. I do skip meals, but that's because of my work schedule; it kind of prevents me from eating lunch until very late in the day. I like to have a big breakfast, so that I can prepare for that.
Warren / Canada
My biggest meal of the day is dinner. I think I heard it's actually not as healthy. I heard you should have a heavier breakfast and a lighter dinner, but just time-wise, it's easier for me to do that, and I end up wanting to eat a heavy dinner. But I never miss a meal; I always eat all three meals.
Kat / Germany
My biggest meal of the day is dinner. That is usually because I eat lunch in school, and it's never really good, so I kind of rush it and don't eat too much. Breakfast, I skip most every day. I don't want to, but I always oversleep, so I really don't have time for breakfast. I know that breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day, but that just never works out for me.
Paul / England
My biggest meal of the day is my evening meal, which I eat after finishing work, around seven or eight. I try not to skip meals. I always try to at least eat something, even if it's on the go. At times, with my job, I don't get time to eat a proper lunch or breakfast, so I tend to kind of snack quite a lot.
Tim / United States
Usually, my biggest meal is lunch, but sometimes, I'll have a very large dinner. It really depends on what I do during the day and when I take my meals. I'll have a big lunch on days that I skip breakfast, and I tend to skip breakfast a lot, because I sleep until the last minute before I have to go to classes.
Rese / Botswana
My biggest meal of the day would have to be dinner, and normally I skip breakfast because I can't wake up early enough to eat breakfast and make it to class because of my sleeping pattern.

My work schedule prevents me from eating lunch.
To prevent something means to keep it from happening. Notice the following:
- My bum knee prevents me from running.
- The cold weather prevents the kids from playing outside.
heavy / light

I heard you should have a heavier breakfast and a lighter dinner.
A big meal that makes a person full is called a heavy meal. A small, healthy meal is called a light meal. Notice the following:
- I usually eat a light lunch.
- We always have a heavy meal during the holidays.

Breakfast, I skip most every day.
When you skip something, you do not do it at its scheduled time. Notice the following:
- Because the weather was nice, the students skipped class.
- It is not healthy to skip two meals a day.
works out

Breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day, but that just never works out for me.
When something does not work out, it is not effectoNotice the following:
- My new job is just not working out. I think I will quit.
- My first marriage did not work out well, but my second one is working out fine.
on the go

I always try to at least eat something, even if it's on the go.
Notice the following:
- She is always on the go. She never stays still.
- With my new Adroid phone I can check e-mail on the go.
Vocabulary Quiz
work out • on the go