Mixer Listening Lessons 101 - 125
In these ESL listening lessons, six people share their throughts about the same topic. Lessons come with video, audio, script, media, quiz and vocab!
Mixer 125 Bad Haircut
Six people their expience with a bad haircut.
Six people their expience with a bad haircut.
Mixer 124 Public Transport
Six people talk about public transportation.
Six people talk about public transportation.
Mixer 123 Studying in Groups
Six speakers talk about how they like to study.
Six speakers talk about how they like to study.
Mixer 122 Big & Skip Meals
Six speakers talk about their eating habits.
Six speakers talk about their eating habits.
Mixer 121 Favorite Proverb
What are some favorite proverbs?
What are some favorite proverbs?
Mixer 120 Learning English
What are some tips for learning English?
What are some tips for learning English?
Mixer 119 Sports Memory
Listen to these six best sports memories.
Listen to these six best sports memories.
Mixer 118 Fast Food
How often do people eat fast food?
How often do people eat fast food?
Mixer 117 Yesterday
What did you do yesterday?
What did you do yesterday?
Mixer 116 Plans for the Night
What are your plans for tonight?
What are your plans for tonight?
Mixer 115 Travel Wish
Listen to six hopeful travel destinations.
Listen to six hopeful travel destinations.
Mixer 114 Worst Genre
What kind of movies do some people dislike?
What kind of movies do some people dislike?
Mixer 113 Best Genre
Hear the types of movies people like watching.
Hear the types of movies people like watching.
Mixer 112 Best Home City
People discuss the best city in their country.
People discuss the best city in their country.
Mixer 111 Millions!
What would people do with a million dollars?
What would people do with a million dollars?
Mixer 110 Caught in a Lie!
Listen to people reveal being telling a lie.
Listen to people reveal being telling a lie.
Mixer 109 Great Teacher
What make a great teacher?
What make a great teacher?
Mixer 108 Great Stsudent
What makes a great student?
What makes a great student?
Mixer 107 Best Foreign City
What is the best city in the world?
What is the best city in the world?
Mixer 106 Best Place to Live
Where is the best place to live?
Where is the best place to live?
Mixer 105 Book or Mags
Reading short form versus long form!
Reading short form versus long form!
Mixer 104 Admirable Athletes
What athletes do people admire the most?
What athletes do people admire the most?
Mixer 103 To Belong
People discuss belong to groups and clubs.
People discuss belong to groups and clubs.
Mixer 102 Dream House
Various people describe their dream house.
Various people describe their dream house.
Mixer 101 Calorie Watch
People discuss counting calories to lose weight.
People discuss counting calories to lose weight.